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Unable to install 3 plugins- Error:Download failed. A valid URL was not provided

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Home Support Academic Education Unable to install 3 plugins- Error:Download failed. A valid URL was not provided

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    I installed both AE Pro and AE Pro Child. Then, I tried to install the 3 plugins for:

    Academic Education Pro Posttype
    LT Gallery Images
    LT Title Banner Image

    And no success. It returned 3 error messages, similar to this one:

    “An error occurred while installing Academic Education Pro Posttype: Download failed. A valid URL was not provided.”

    I talked to my hosting service and they responded with:

    As it’s a paid theme, can you please contact their support and check if the plugin needs any specific settings to install, also provide them with the error and see if they are aware of the issue and they may have a fix for the same. “

    Please help!


    Shop Manager

    Hi Cynthia,

    Thank You for choosing us!

    Follow the steps given below to install the plugin:

    Go to Dashboard >> Plugins >>Add New

    After that, click on the Upload Plugin button on top of the page.

    This will bring you to the plugin upload page. Here you need to click on the choose file button and select the plugin file you downloaded earlier to your computer.

    After you have selected the file, you need to click on the install now button.

    WordPress will now upload the plugin file from your computer and install it for you. You will see a success message like this after installation is finished.

    Once installed, you need to click on the Activate Plugin link to start using the plugin.

    If you need some other help please let us know.

    Thank You.



    Thank you! That worked! I don’t know why I didn’t think of installing them manually. I knew I had the files on my computer.

    Best Regards,


    Shop Manager

    It’s our pleasure!

    If you need some other help please let us know.

    Thank You.

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