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Team section in corporate

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  • #995

    can you explain why you get some kind of slider measure showing html shopify and photoshop? these show under “enter designation” but why do you see them on the page? and how do you take them out? how do you add some functionality to the individual team pages such as “contact us” or read more etc?

    Shop Manager

    Hi Pmberney,

    As per your query, if you don’t want to show them just make them empty and updated the page.



    they are empty – but still show up

    Shop Manager

    Hi Pmberney,

    As per your query, we have updated our theme new version you can use it.

    Go to with your details. Then go to and download the updated theme.

    Then login to your FTP or Cpanel. Go to wp-content/themes and upload the zip file you have downloaded. First rename the existing theme folder then extract the newly uploaded theme.

    If you need any other help please let us know.


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