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get issue (out of memory ) on theme

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Home Support LT Food And Restaurant get issue (out of memory ) on theme


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    i get an issue on my theme food-restaurant after update my WordPress to version ( 5 ).

    here the issue:Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 117702656) (tried to allocate 72 bytes) in /home/mahmoud55/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpml-string-translation/classes/filters/db-cache/class-wpml-st-db-translation-retrieve.php

    Shop Manager


    As per your query, there is no issue on theme fatal error is coming because of the plugin you are using.

    Please contact to plugin support for this error.



    after update wordpress to latest version 5.0.2 i get issue on woocommerce on the theme not shown the data and the site come very slow.
    please update the woocommerce on the theme and send me the files to update it.


    you can see here :
    food-restaurant-pro / woocommerce / archive-product.php Version 2.0.0 is outdated and outdated. The latest basic release is 3.4.0,
    food-restaurant-pro / woocommerce / checkout / form-checkout.php Version 2.3.0 Old and out of date. The latest base version is 3.5.0,
    food-restaurant-pro / woocommerce / content-product.php Version 3.0.0 is outdated and outdated. The latest basic release is 3.4.0,
    food-restaurant-pro / woocommerce / global / wrapper-end.php Version 1.6.4 is old and out of date. The latest core version is 3.3.0,
    food-restaurant-pro / woocommerce / global / wrapper-start.php Version 1.6.4 Old and out of date. The latest core version is 3.3.0,
    food-restaurant-pro / woocommerce / myaccount / my-address.php,

    Shop Manager


    The issue is given by you of outdated Woocommerce templates is not a big issue, It doesn’t change the looks of your theme. When woocommerce generates new updates after a few days we also update it on our theme.

    When we updated the woocommerce on our theme, So we will update you for using our new version theme.



    ok i’m waiting for the new version of pro as i bought it, to update the files i sent it before.

    Shop Manager


    As per your request, we have added the latest woocommerce in the theme with the same version and given you access to download it.

    Go to with your details. Then go to and download the updated theme with the same version.

    Then login to your FTP or Cpanel. Go to wp-content/themes and upload the zip file you have downloaded. First rename the existing theme folder then extract the newly uploaded theme with the same version.

    If you need any further assistance please let us know.


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